Relationship Success Predictor

Discover whether or not the two of you are really compatible

This is a complete, extensive compatibility guide that can help you an your partner discover whether or not your relationship has a chance to 'get legs' and have a chance to last over time.

Any relationship, whether it be platonic, romantic, or marital requires some chemistry between the parties to act as a stabilizer... the glue that keeps them interested with each other.

This chemistry might be sexual, intellectual, familial, common interest/disinterest, political, business, religious, creative, or many of the other ways that help like-minded partners bond. 

The mere fact that both of you may be nerds can be an ice-breaker, but after a couple of conversations about nerdy subjects, there must be something else to sustain the relationship and keep it interesting... and that's the purpose of this compatibility guide: to find the deep common interests and/or dislikes that you both share, and to save you from ever looking back years later and being surprised to find out that an ex had a strong feeling like yours about something, and thinking to yourself, "gee, I wish I would have known that when we were together... we probably would have stayed that way."

What's the exorbitant price you'll have to pay for this valuable happiness-saving guide? Sit down and get ready, because it's a big one:..... The Predictor is included in the Nerdz47 app (available for Apple and Android) for the astronomical price of 99¢!

You can order it now from the Google Play Store or Apple iTunes - and to find out more about the guide and all the other valuable, nerdy features of the Nerdz47 app, visit our website at and while there, we would appreciate you registering and signing in to N2N (Nerdz-to-Nerdz), our community of like-minded people who can search by zip-code for other locals that share your interests, to start communicating with (it's all free), our Awardz program for cash rewards give to successful suggestions for more categories for our app/s, and our Store and Newz sections for nerd products, books, audiobooks, and useful items.